Fort is located next to the city of Olomouc (approx. 10 km), near the village Svatý Kopeček – – map here
Terms of participation
At any time during the event participants are obliged to be accordingly costumed based on game setting (witcher). This effectively means that outer parts of your costumes must be either medieval or fantasy (elven, dwarf) themed. Wearing visibly a modern dress is forbidden. Same requirements apply also for accompanying visitors and non-players and photographers. There is no restriction about equipment stored in your tents (sleeping bags etc.). Be aware of April’s cold weather, so be prepared and dress accordingly. More information in section rules/pravidla.
Each participant has to be registered in advance. Kindly include information, if you will stay overnight or not. Event is not public, intended for registered players only. Registration fee is 350Kc per participant (no refunds and applies also for accompanying people). Only members of organization team (medics, picked photographers, etc.) are excluded from paying this entry fee after confirmation with NB officials.
Camping and accommodation
Only historical tents are allowed. People without own tents will be accommodated in complex’s building. There should be enough space to accommodate people in emergency case of a bad weather. Rooms are not heated (old fort’s cellars), so kindly prepare yourself. Do not litter! Keep modern equipment out of the gaming zone (car, tent).
After accommodating and unpacking your equipment game starts. On Friday there will be already a not mandatory program for all armies which will help you to understand the situation and story background. Details tasks and information will be provided by army commanders (guards, tasks, assignments).
NB event will take place on private property, including the fort itself, which will be available to us. Because of your own safety it is forbidden to visit underground parts of complex without an authorization from organizers. Fireplaces (either for warming up or cooking) will be provided by organizers, thus it is forbidden to start a fire anywhere in the complex, except on allowed sites. It is possible to bring and use own portable fire pit, when allowed by organizers. Firewood will be included as part of registration fee. Drinkable water will be available. Baggage and equipment can be transported in close proximity of a fort, parking place inside the complex ensured.
Timeline (Program will be specified)
from 12:00 – Arrival, registration, accommodation, intro
- 9:00 – registration, breakfast
- 11:00 – rules explanation, drill, weapons and armors check
- 12:00 – start of the battle (event)
- 17:00 – end of battle (event) (approximately)
Cleaning, break camp Departure until 14:00